About Your Hosts
Hey! I’m Sylvia, a dedicated Breakup Coach and Relationship Counsellor. After experiencing my own challenging divorce in 2018 (plus a few other breakups since), I truly understand how devastating and isolating the journey can be.
Over the past few years I have dedicated my life to two main things - my family and my passion for helping others. I run a private counselling practice in Sydney’s Northern Beaches, and am the host of the podcast ‘Breakup to Blessing’ where I share weekly episodes of inspiration and practical advice for anyone struggling in their heartbreak and relationships.
My mission is to help individuals who are navigating their own heartbreak feel fully supported and find renewed hope through the vibrant community of people who are also on their unique paths to recovery. I am the creator of the signature program Breakup to Blessing which is a 12 week transformative journey that shows you how to turn your heartbreak into a blessing.
It is my hope through these retreats to provide each participant with an immersive, powerful and transformative experience that will leave you with the feeling and self-belief that you can achieve anything.
Hi! I’m Sheree - a passionate Yogi and Event Producer with more experience in break ups than I’d like to admit.
I first fell in love with yoga as a young, unmotivated, exerciser when I realized this was something I could do while still half asleep. No motivation required, just the effort it took to roll out of bed and start on the floor. I’ve since become much more motivated and have studied and practiced yoga in Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Peru and the United States. It’s a part of my every day life now, having gotten me through some of the toughest experiences in my life.
I’m also an experienced event manager, having organized, produced and managed events on 5 continents, specializing in personal development events (Tony Robbins, T Harv Eker, Gary Vaynerchuk, Deepak Chopra and more) as well as non profits and charities such as Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation, Didi Hirsch, Make A Miracle and more.
From the outside, it may seem like a logical next step to be combining my experience and passion to bring you these retreats but it took a very traumatic breakup for me, tears streaming up my forehead while practicing yoga upside down, to make that connection and be where I am today. I’m evidence that amidst the pain of what you’re going through, beautiful things can evolve and it is my hope that through yoga and the other offerings at our retreat, we create a nurturing and empowering space that helps honour and connect you to yourself, to the moment, to what you’re feeling and brings you out the other side with renewed hope and a vision for the future.
Contact us.
+61 401 495 085